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Hey there, I'm Mohamed Izzath, a dedicated full-stack developer focused on creating engaging sites and apps. I love turning ideas into digital experiences.

About me

🚀 Hey there! I'm Mohamed Izzath, a driven full-stack developer passionate about leveraging technology to craft innovative solutions.

🎓 My journey began with an HD in software engineering, igniting my love for problem-solving and laying a solid foundation in essential concepts.

💡 I thrive on embracing the continuous learning journey in both front-end and back-end development, constantly expanding my tech arsenal.

⚙️ My expertise encompasses JavaScript, Java, and PHP, allowing me to navigate diverse technological landscapes. I excel in crafting engaging user interfaces utilizing ReactJS, Tailwind CSS, and Bootstrap, alongside my proficiency in backend development.

🌟 Seeking opportunities to master my craft further, especially in ReactJS. I'm a quick learner, eager to collaborate and contribute to cutting-edge projects.

🤝 Let's connect and craft something awesome together! Reach out for collaborations, insights, or just a good ol' tech chat!

My projects


My skills

My experience

Contact me

Please contact me directly at mizzath2003@gmail.com or through this form.